1 avocado. Cut in half, take out pit and discard.
Using paring knife, cut down into each half to slice through into a 1/8 inch cross hatch pattern to make a fine dice. Use tablespoon around edge to scoop out.
Mash lightly or not as desired - I like it still chunky.
1 tsp salt
9-10 grape tomatoes, finely sliced.
1 tsp tabasco (or to taste)
2 tsp fresh lime juice (half a lime)
Mush together and mix well.
Great with fresh veggies or crackers.
Tip: to ripen avocado, place in closed, brown paper
bag for a day or two or three, depending on how hard it was...
To get more juice out of a lime, slice it lengthwise, end to end, in half and then in quarters, same way. Squeezing end to end is easier and you
can get every drop!